- Crucifix Lane, SE1 3XL
- (Exact address will be provided after booking)
As the seasons begin to change and the leaves fall from the trees, our gaze shifts from the outer world to our inner world. We slow down in preparation for nature’s sleep, where we too, will dream.
The evening will start with the slow and beautiful ritual of the tea ceremony inviting us to drop from the head to the heart. Tea Medicine is such a gentle and powerful plant - she brings us into ourselves so we can be here in the eternal now. And in this we become ready to deeply receive the sound.
In the journey of sound that will follow, Garwyn will explore the theme of the changing seasons inspired by the beauty of falling leaves in a free improvisation followed by the Bach Suite for Solo cello in D minor, an introspective and solemn work reflecting the shortening days and the coming of winter.
This is a one off special event ~ the last time we held it a year ago
- amazing ambiance
- Bach cello concert in the most intimate environment
- intimae atmosphere

Book Your Spot
£45 per adultTickets refundable up to 48 hrs before event