- Newington Green, N16 9PR
- (Exact address will be provided after booking)
It’s estimated that 1.4 trillion photos were taken in 2020, and that was when most of us were stuck inside! When so many shots are taken every day, how do we make an image that stands out? Well, that’s a challenge all photographers face today. In this beginner and intermediate level workshop, photographer Marc Gascoigne gives you some ideas on how to move from creating quick snaps to well crafted photographs - on any camera. We will cover basic camera technique and consider the elements that make a great photo: light, composition, framing and colour. And we will look at a few images from the masters of photography to show how they put these ideas into practice. If you want to bring a camera along to try some techniques out then please do, even if it is just the one on your mobile phone!
Since being given his first camera by his grandfather aged eight, Marc has been a keen photographer, before turning it into his career in his mid-twenties. He is now a professional image maker specialising in portraits and photographing the creative arts. Almost entirely self-taught, Marc has designed this workshop around the ideas and concepts he knows made him a better photographer, and wishes he had learned first!
photographer Marc Gascoigne gives you some ideas on how to move from creating quick snaps to well crafted photographs - on any camera. We will cover basic camera technique and consider the elements that make a great photo: light, composition, framing and colour

Book Your Spot
£25 per adultTickets refundable up to 48 hrs before event