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This Funzing Experience:
A series of 5 Qi Gong Webinars that can be taken as a course or individually to explore the Source Connection.Is there a larger Consciousness beyond our own?
How do we relate to this if it exists?
These types of inquiry have inspired humanity to search for a direct experience beyond Self through countless forms and methods.
Many Seekers who have experienced this Source Connection testify to it's profoundness and how it is beyond description in the human metaphor of language, literally an experience beyond this dimension.
Nanci L. Danison, a lawyer who had a Near Death Experience in 1994, describes her encounter with Source,
" "My five friends and I were about to merge completely back into Source. It was so humbling. So unspeakably...intimate. Moving. Overwhelming. There are no words. I deeply understood that I am Source, an integral part of Source. And Source so loved itself, and loved that little spark of itself that became me, that it allowed me to venture out and experience this illusion of having a separate identity - of being a separate person." The scientific field of Neurotheology shows that even striving for this Source Connection has multiple beneficial effects on the human body as neuroscientist Dr Andrew Newberg points out,
"...if you contemplate something as complex or mysterious as God, you're going to have incredible bursts of neural activity firing in different parts of the brain. New dendrites will rapidly grow and old associations will disconnect..." In traditional methods there are also many attempts to describe The Source Connection with a variety of methods employed to achieve the direct experience.
The 6th Patriarch of Chan Buddhism, Master Hui Neng, describes this in the Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra,
"The wisdom of the great, perfect mirror
Is your clear, pure nature.
The wisdom of equal nature
Is the mind without disease.
Wonderfully observing wisdom
Is seeing without effort.
Perfecting wisdom is
The same as the perfect mirror."
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How do we relate to this if it exists?
These types of inquiry have inspired humanity to search for a direct experience beyond Self through countless forms and methods.
Many Seekers who have experienced this Source Connection testify to it's profoundness and how it is beyond description in the human metaphor of language, literally an experience beyond this dimension.
Nanci L. Danison, a lawyer who had a Near Death Experience in 1994, describes her encounter with Source,
" "My five friends and I were about to merge completely back into Source. It was so humbling. So unspeakably...intimate. Moving. Overwhelming. There are no words. I deeply understood that I am Source, an integral part of Source. And Source so loved itself, and loved that little spark of itself that became me, that it allowed me to venture out and experience this illusion of having a separate identity - of being a separate person." The scientific field of Neurotheology shows that even striving for this Source Connection has multiple beneficial effects on the human body as neuroscientist Dr Andrew Newberg points out,
"...if you contemplate something as complex or mysterious as God, you're going to have incredible bursts of neural activity firing in different parts of the brain. New dendrites will rapidly grow and old associations will disconnect..." In traditional methods there are also many attempts to describe The Source Connection with a variety of methods employed to achieve the direct experience.
The 6th Patriarch of Chan Buddhism, Master Hui Neng, describes this in the Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra,
"The wisdom of the great, perfect mirror
Is your clear, pure nature.
The wisdom of equal nature
Is the mind without disease.
Wonderfully observing wisdom
Is seeing without effort.
Perfecting wisdom is
The same as the perfect mirror."
The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra
A series of 5 Qi Gong Webinars that can be taken as a course or individually to explore the Source Connection.Is there a larger Consciousness beyond our own? How do we relate to this if it exists? These types of inquiry have inspired humanity ...
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Experience includes:
In this series of 5 sessions you will learn Traditional QiGong practices to Consciously attempt The Source Connection. This endeavour can lead to an amazing change to all aspects of one's being; physically, emotionally & mentally. It is by it's very nature an expansion to greater aspects of self.
The Source connection can be utilised to achieve and assist in creating Harmony for the following:
- Desire to experience The Source Connection consciously
- Consciousness Expansion and Awakening experiences
- Opening and Enhancing Energetic coherence throughout your Qi matrix
- Direct perception of your Inner Energy-Information field
- Emotional disharmony affecting thoughts, moods & actions
- Agitated or restless mind
- Physical injuries, aches & pains
- Post surgery or medical intervention rehabilitation
- Pre surgery or medical intervention strengthening

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